Work Travel Mindset Shifts for Moms

Welcome to the 24th issue of the Knockout Your Sunday Scaries Newsletter, an every-other-week newsletter by me, Kristy Olinger, with a focus on workplace communication and self-development. I’m glad you’re here. Was this forwarded to you? Get yours: Subscribe here

Sunday, March 16th, 2025

Hi there,

I’m the least likely candidate to be talking about how to handle ‘mom guilt’ because I’ll admit I don’t experience it with the same level of intensity as others describe.

Though… maybe that makes me the perfect person because I’ve thought about this topic A LOT over the years. Being different from most people you encounter inevitably leads to self-reflection on “why am I different?” and less helpfully “what is wrong with me?”.

I’ve concluded that the lack of mom guilt is at least in part to adopting a more expansive views of a situation instead thinking of things as binary (good or bad).

Work travel is a trigger of mom guilt even for me. I’m writing this from the airport as I head to a 3-day conference… on a Sunday… Ugh.

Below are a couple of mindset shifts that have helped me through the years and will certainly help today as I miss my daughter’s first crew event of the season.

Default thought: I need to meticulously prepare for travel and leave detailed instructions so that things will go smoothly.

Mindset Shift: My partner will have confidence-building experiences that wouldn’t have been possible with me there.

In many households mom not only takes the lead in the caretaking and domestic labor, she has very specific ideas about the ‘right’ way to do things. This leaves little room for dad to get practice and gain confidence in domestic work. [for more on this read this blogpost].

Will they do it like you do? nope. But are men capable of being effective and loving caretakers? 1000%.

Here’s the tricky part… YOU HAVE TO LET THEM!

Another benefit is that they will bond and make memories together because of this experience that they only get to have because you went on the business trip.

Default thought: If I’m not there, it’s a loss for my children. Full stop.

Mindset Shift: My children will recognize that they are not the center of the universe… and that’s a good thing.

It’s a cruel world for the young adult who gains their independence and finds out for the first time that the world doesn’t revolve around them. Travel for work will mean that you miss some moments. As long as you arrange to be there for the moments that matter most and you communicate that you care, you are setting a healthy example for your kids.

It’s also a good thing for your kids to see you for the multifaceted person you are, with interests and skills beyond being their parent.


My hope is that these mindset shifts help ease the mom guilt for some of you road warriors.

❗️Important Post Script

Is directing this message towards ‘moms’ perpetuating gender stereotypes? Probably. If you’re a dad I fully acknowledge that you are just as likely to feel ‘mom guilt’ and I invite you to adopt these mindset shifts as well.

📚 What I’m Reading: How to Change, Katy Milkman

I’ve listened to Katy on SO MANY of my favorite podcasts, including hers (Choiceology), that I’m already familiar with most of the ideas from her book. It’s so worth reading though because reviewing material multiple times is key to remembering. If you can’t remember something, you can’t apply it to your life and these are ideas worth using!

March is Women’s Month

In honor of Women’s month, we chose female-focused topics this month for the podcast. We encourage both genders to listen to these important issues.

Women’s Month Podcast Episodes:

The Pink Tax: Listen on Apple Podcasts  |  Listen on Spotify

Menopause: Listen on Apple Podcasts  |  Listen on Spotify

You made it to the end! Congrats & thanks. ❤️ Have a great two weeks.

Stay Curious,


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