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Podcast Episode 71: Ask Like An Auctioneer, with Dia Bondi
In this episode, Dia shares what the zone of freaking out is and why it’s a good thing, the importance of knowing the why behind your ask, and how shaping your question to get a yes is limiting your potential.
Be Funny At Work
According to research, people who show their sense of humor at work are seen as more motivating leaders. That's a positive. But for me the biggest reason to be funny at work is that if we're going to spend such a large portion of our lives in this place, we might as well be having fun.
Podcast Episode 19: Giving feedback, getting feedback, and creating a learning culture, with General Tom Kolditz
To explore the topic of feedback and how to create a learning culture we’ve brought in retired Brigadier General and Leadership expert General Tom Kolditz.
Communicate your ideas to inspire action
Even the most innovative ideas are worthless until you communicate them in a way that inspires others into action. There are many ways to inspire others. Let's start with the very basics.