KO#19: Break Up with Bad Meetings

Welcome to the 19th issue of the Knockout Your Sunday Scaries Newsletter, an every-other-week newsletter by me, Kristy Olinger, with a focus on workplace communication and self-development. I’m glad you’re here. Was this forwarded to you? Get yours: Subscribe here

Sunday, December 8th, 2024

Hi there,

If you’re not careful, recurring meetings will grow into every inch of white space on your calendar. The nice thing about a recurring meeting is that you have planned time for collaborative work. The problem with them is psychological inertia; the human tendency to maintain the status quo and do the same thing just because that’s what you’ve always done. “We do our one hour staff meeting on Mondays.”

December is the perfect time to take a critical look at your work calendar and break up or shake up the meetings that shouldn’t continue into 2025.

Here is the critical question to ask yourself about each meeting: Is this meeting accomplishing the objective?

🚩 Red Flag: You don’t know what the meeting objective is. Break up with the meeting

Another question to ask yourself: Have I been included to give input or to be informed?

Project leaders often choose meeting routines as a preferred format to keep stakeholders informed. If being informed is the only reason you’re invited, you can save the time and read the meeting notes or watch the recording [at 1.5x speed of course].

When you can’t break up, try a shake up:

Shorten the meeting.

Reduce the frequency.

Invite less people

As long as doing any of the above doesn’t diminish your ability to achieve the objectives of the meeting - go for it.

Break up with the bad meetings on your calendar now and you will thank yourself in 2025 when you find you have time for a walk break or a snack break or * gasp * lunch away from your desk. More open time in your calendar is an antidote for the Sunday Scaries.

📚 What I’m Reading: Project Hail Mary, by Andy Weir

From the author of The Martian, which I didn’t read but LOVED the movie, this science fiction book has a similar vibe of impossible feats backed by sound scientific reasoning that makes it feel plausible. Word on the street is a movie is in the works and Ryan Gosling will be the main character, Ryland Grace.

Content Round Up - In Case You Missed It

Even if you’re following me on social media, the algorithm may or may not put my post in your feed. Here is what has launched over the last 2 weeks, in case you missed it.

Get engagement in meetings - VIDEO

Do you hate it when you’re leading a meeting and nobody is interacting? This video gives you 2 tips to increase meeting engagement.

Think on your feet like Taylor Swift - VIDEO

In this video I break down an interview response from Taylor Swift and explain the exact techniques she is using to respond confidently on the fly.

Strategizing Success, with Alison Fragale - PODCAST

Alison is the author of Likable Badass, a book that looks at the power of status to get what you want and how women need to build that status differently from men. Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts

📆 Special Event: Practice Session - December 17th, 12:05-12:55pm Eastern

Practice sessions are an opportunity to practice impromptu speaking in a supportive environment. This session is modeled after the ‘table topics’ segment of Toastmasters meetings.

  • There is no pre-work required (that’s kinda the point)

  • All participants will give a 60-90 second impromptu speech on a topic selected at random (you’ll get a list of the potential topics the day before

  • Following your speech, participants will chat with insights to help you improve

You made it to the end! Congrats & thanks. ❤️ Have a great two weeks.

Stay Curious,


P.S. Does your department have development funding that they haven’t spent yet for 2024? If you’re in a “use it or lose it” situation, hit reply and let’s talk about communication training for your team.

If you liked this newsletter, here are 4 ways to support it.

  • Buy WORK JOURNAL, a printed journal that helps you build a reflection habit that turns every situation into an opportunity for growth

  • Forward this to someone who could use it

  • Reach out to tell me what you think of these ideas

  • Refer me to your company for team training or a workshop


KO#20: Year End Reflection and Intention


KO#18: The Power of Thank You at Work