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Balance Is B.S.
The term 'work-life balance' is a triggering term for me. I don't often curse, but when this topic comes up I immediately and loudly declare "balance is bull $#%T!". Partly because I love alliteration, but also because I'm passionate about this topic and cursing is a great way to emphasize passion. The problem is the word balance.
How To Have Your Best Monday
Mondays get a bad wrap, but Mondays are by far my most productive day of the week and that makes me so happy. Shawn Achor describes happiness as "The joy you feel when moving toward your potential." This definition resonates so much and Mondays are the day I'm making the most progress toward my potential and therefore experiencing a happiness high.
Give Yourself Grace When You've Given All You Can
Sometimes we hear a phrase that gives perfect words to a truth you've known for a long time but didn't know how to explain. "Give yourself grace". This is part of my nature, I just never had the right words for it.
A Lightning Bolt of Habit Change
It's where something shifts our perspective and as a result we change a habit instantly and effortlessly. Ironically the strategy of the lightning bolt is not a strategy at all because you cannot employ it, it's something that happens to you. In my experience it was very effective.
Communicate your ideas to inspire action
Even the most innovative ideas are worthless until you communicate them in a way that inspires others into action. There are many ways to inspire others. Let's start with the very basics.
The business writing tip you’ll use every day
Work email and presentation documents aren't literary fiction. There are no bonus points for using interesting adjectives or SAT words. The average office worker gets 121 emails a day according to a study by DMR. You need to get to the point… nobody has time for allegory.